Euroopa Parlamendi Infobüroo Eestis koostöös Taani Instituudiga kutsub migratsiooniteemalisele konverentsile My!Europe, mis toimub 10.-11. detsembril 2015 Riias. Osalistele on tagatud transport Riiga ja tagasi ning majutus hotellis. Huvilistel palutakse oma osalemissoovist märku anda esimesel võimalusel, ent mitte hiljem kui 3. detsembriks 2015 e-maili aadressil eptallinn@europarl.europa.eu .
Migration – Refugees and Labor
The National Library of Latvia, December 10-11, 2015
On behalf of the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania I am hereby inviting you to join our conference Migration – Refugees and Labor created as a part of the EU-project My!Europe supported by the Europe for Citizen-program.
This will be a unique platform for a discussion of essential questions related to the varied matters of the migration situation as it is developing in Europe and especially Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at the moment.
The ongoing process of labor migrants travelling from Eastern/Central European countries such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, has become a challenge in these sending countries in the perspective of social, economic as well as demographic development. As a result of the common European legislation of the free movement of labor, solutions have to be developed in cooperation, highlighting the main weaknesses and strengths of this (societal/European mechanism).
The unforeseen migration of refugees/asylum seeker across European borders has challenged the EU and its member states. The conference will address how and why the problem has reached the magnitude it has – in the Baltics and beyond.
Platform for Solutions
The crux of the conference will be to develop approaches to what could be done in order to accommodate both the challenges of labor migration and refugees in a national, regional and European context. Are there common European solutions and – if yes – what should they be.
We will, within a forum that encompasses politicians, academia, NGO’s, students and interested citizenry in general, touch upon questions such as: How do people in the Baltic States perceive the present crises of both refugees and labor migration as well as themselves and the Baltic States as actors for solutions!
Inspiring keynotes and interventions will introduce both themes on the first day, opening up for elaborative group discussions.
During the evening, the theme of migration will be presented and discussed through a public outreach event.
The second day will be devoted to a discussion of both themes within a common framework for future solutions addressing challenges shared within both themes.
For the My!Europe Declaration please follow the link: