ECLA Corporate Counsel Academy

First of all, we wish you a happy and healthy new year and hope, that you are keeping well and safe.

As already announced, we have launched the “Corporate Counsel Academy” with highly interesting courses for in-house counsel, lawyers and jurists all across Europe. With that pan-European academy, we hope to offer a valuable benefit to our professional community. This offer is not limited to in-house counsel, but available to all lawyers and interested individuals. However, in-house counsel, that are member of an ECLA member association will benefit from the “ECLA discount” for the course fees.

We would highly appreciate if you share this great new benefit with your members (e.g. within your newsletter and/or social media), so they will learn about this opportunity and have the chance to participate in the courses.

For further details, agenda and registration, please visit:

In addition, please find attached an overview of the courses as a .pdf file – the various schedules for each course are available on the website.

In case of any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to welcoming you and your members to our online courses!

Kind regards & stay safe,

Teresa Kunz

Manager ECLA Head Office

ECLA Association Services SPRL

Avenue Louise 326
1050 Brussels

+32 2 808 54 56